Two Years Later

A lot can change in two years - and two years can go by so quickly.

Looking back, I realized that now more than ever.

I understand that it is always different in retrospect. Time behaves and feels different when you're looking back on things, as well as when you're doing something you enjoy or dislike. In the end, it doesn't change how you felt at the time.

I want to start this post by expressing my slight regret in my harsh tone in my previous, two-year-old post. I was in a dark time of my life and I wasn't exactly happy with everything around me. I held a lot of anger and pain that I was unable to properly express and let go, so I took it out on petty little things. It made me a bitter person.

However, with the simple passage of time, I realized that it wasn't that bad. Three years can go by really quickly if I just focus on the big picture. Living day-to-day, struggling to find anything to pass the time, and just hyper-focusing on a far distant deadline can only just add to my misery. It makes it harder to pass the time and being aware of the slow passage of time just makes me even sadder.

This isn't to say I, in hindsight, enjoyed my time in the United Kingdom. No, I didn't. The "nostalgia" doesn't change the reality that I was miserable and suffering whilst I was overseas. However, it wasn't as bad as I made it out to be and I managed to survive it. Time really does go by quickly if you are enjoying yourself. I managed to find a way to dig myself out of the loneliness loophole in my last year and I ended up having a much more enjoyable time than the previous two years.

It is sad that it took me the majority of my time there to figure it out, but I did it eventually and I can't say I completely hated my last year in England. I might even go as far as to say that I looked forward to going to see my new housemates and spend time with them, and I do miss them now that our university lives are over.

Still, it doesn't change the fact that I was indeed bitter and angry at the hand that fate - and my own actions - dealt me, but I made the best of what I got, so it worked out (more or less).

Again, two years can change a lot and my WordPress is now much more professional than I stated before. It has now evolved into a more professional area and I am now going to change this blog to be more personal instead.

Thanks for reading and I hope to write more for this blog soon.


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