
Showing posts from February, 2018
Hello. This is the first blog post on this blogspot link. I didn't know that blogger would decide to use your location and make a specific domain based on it, but that's that and I don't think there is a way to change it. To clear things up: no, I am not exactly situated in the United Kingdom. I am, other than studies, in one way related to the United Kingdom. I do not have a British accent. I do not use British spelling. I don't know anything about Britain, its politics, or its currency. I'm sure three years of studying here would change that, but as of the time of writing, I am still rather clueless. The only reason why I have this blogspot link is mostly to claim it, as well as see what the fuss is all about. As of right now, composing my first post for it, I can see that it is -- aesthetically and function-wise -- inferior to WordPress. However, fret not, I have a WordPress already. You can see, if you click on the WordPress link, that I have been using